
Below is a collection of reflective writing I did during the pandemic.

MUSING #19 : Prayer to the Muses

Muse: In Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, she tasks us with writing our own ‘Artist Prayer’ which is similar to Steven Pressfield’s ‘Prayer to the Muse’, as mentioned in his book The War on Art. They see the prayers as a means to connect oneself to the creative process with gratitude and openness. I decided to write my own prayer, which I’ll copy onto a page to be decorated and displayed so that I may recite it before my writing sessions. I’m not in love with how the prayer reads now, as I currently feel blocked from my creative flow. But I hope with time, as I recite it everyday, it will change with me into what I need it to be.

Musing: “Prayer to the Muses”

To the ever present Muses 

and the energy that courses through all.

I form these words in thanks for your gift of creativity.

Thank you for making yourself known to us

in every loving word, budding flower, and child’s smile.

Thank you for filling us with laughter and bright joy.

For teaching us to use tears to water our roots 

and support ourselves within this chaotic world.

You selflessness leads me and those before 

to grow as one and as a community of light:

We who offer ourselves as instruments

for the ever flowing energy from which you came. 

Those of us willing to face fears and push boundaries

leaving the comfort of what’s known 

for the wonders to be discovered in every day.

May your wisdom and grace be with us

As we ask the hard questions, 

and release truths from within.

May your love and empathy be with us, 

as we grow into who we are, each day more so

and face challenges that make us want to give up. 

Thank you for reminding us to never give up.

May you hold our hearts as we find 

the breath to keep going

and the will the keep trying 

and the need to do more than we did before. 

May you lead us to those that are open as well,

willing to combine our lights to shine upon the world:

To love, understand, push, support, and celebrate each other. 

May you breathe with us, filling us with life and calm, 

making space within us for more creativity to spark.

Thank you for the opportunity to be like you

inspiring ourselves and others to create our own reality. 

I pray that I continue to flow within your endless cycles.

To feel the life that comes from creating. 

What is already within, shine it out now.

Claire BerkmanComment