
Below is a collection of reflective writing I did during the pandemic.

MUSING #37 - Recommitting to the Muses

MUSE: my Musings! 


I have posted these ‘Musings’ to my website for over a year now. I feel very proud of myself for putting my reflective writing out into the world without any expectations of an outcome beyond developing my voice, vulnerability, and commitment to writing. Many of the posts have reflected on my writing, but I’ve also been inspired by personal events and world events. I decided early on I didn’t want to plan the posts, but rather allowed myself to show up to my ‘Monday Musings’ word doc each Monday and follow a flow of consciousness about whatever was on my heart and mind at the moment. 

There were some Mondays, however, that I did not making it to the page. I didn’t always set myself up for success because I’d leave the musing until late at night as a end of day reflection. Sometimes that plan allowed me to write in a less self-conscious or critical way, but it risked me talking myself out of doing the musing overall because I’d written so much earlier in the day or I was already shifting into sleep mode and my fingers refused to type correctly. Whatever the excuse, the important fact is that I didn’t always get the posts published.

I want to be a professional writer that takes deadlines seriously, so I do not want this habit of skipping musings to continue. At the same time, I respect my boundaries and want to set my creative and reflective writing up to be the best it can be rather than scraps I pull out of my tired mind. So I want to find a middle ground. Instead of feeling like I have to post on Mondays, and only Mondays, I am assigning myself one post a week. And as the schedule opens up, I will consider tightening up the topics of my Musings. For July, I will only focus on reflections pertaining to my creative practice. I’ll see how July goes and if August calls me to shift my topic than I shall. I am also open to receiving suggestions for topics, so please feel free to comment below or email me. Thank you for reading and have a inspired week. 

Claire BerkmanComment