
Below is a collection of reflective writing I did during the pandemic.

MUSING #36 - Birthday Love

MUSE: My Birthday!! 

MUSING: This past Friday was.... drumroll please.... my Birthday!! And I had the honor of spending it in celebration for my dear college friend’s wedding! So not only did I get to explore a new city (I love Denver!), I got to be around other joyful dancing fools who are happy to be alive and together! I couldn’t have asked for me. Well... besides having my partner Charlie there with me. Unfortunately he could not join me from London, where he has been the entire pandemic. While I’ve been in Vermont. And Boston. And now Denver. I did get to be with him last month for two weeks, but after 8 months apart those two weeks were not enough. So I missed him a lot on my Birthday, but did my best to have a good time. And I had some help. 

On the morning of my Birthday, I walked out of my hotel with a smile on my face and a will to enjoy myself. I get a delicious cup of coffee from Panera and a breakfast wrap to go then headed to the park that runs along Cherry Creek. As I walked across a car filled bridge and looked down at the tall grasses that border the creek, I noticed two deer. Their antlers were short and stubby, but their eyes were as kind as the white-tailed deer of Vermont. They stayed still as I continued walking to the bike ramp that led me down to their level on the park path. I stood there for a moment with them. We made eye contact and one came closer. Then a gentleman passed on his bike and stopped to chat about them. He said they’d been there for years but there had been seven before. Now only two. Later I was told the park goes for miles and leads out of the city. Hopefully that’s where the other went. Out of the city and away from the noisy cars. 

But I was thankful those two were there. I’d already felt a strong connection to deers as my spirit animal because of the beauties that wander into our Vermont meadow. So with their blessing I continued down the Creek park and eventually sat to write my morning pages and have the luke warm breakfast wrap. It was perfect. And everyone was so friendly! It was like they knew it was my Birthday. Maybe my smile gave it away. 

Later on I made my way to the Denver Art Museum and saw three very different shows, all of which I found educational and awe inspiring. My favorite exhibit was called Each/Other and was created by Marie Watt and Cannupa Hanska Luger. Their work is collaborative with groups and individuals from Indigenous communities. One room held quilts that Marie made with sewing circles. The quilts were covered in words concerning different topics like family and equity. What struck me the most was a gigantic wolf made from bananas, which were embroidered by others then sent to the artist to attach to the large metal frame of the magical creature. 

Later on I attended the welcome event for the wedding. I caught up with  the other college friend who’d been invited, and toasted the happy couple many many times. It was a laughter and love filled celebration. And for the night I forgot all the worries and uncertainties that are still hanging over everyone and just focused on all the good of the moment. I am so thankful I was able to end my year of growth with beauty and start yet another year of growth and progress forward with joy. 

Claire BerkmanComment