
Below is a collection of reflective writing I did during the pandemic.

MUSING #31 - just what came

MUSE: starting an entry about the past month and then stopping...


I found myself recalling the upsetting events of the past week. Well weeks. But I don’t want to go there. I’ve run them through my head over and over again. there’s no need to bring that energy here. I can choose to shift and weave and pour onto the pages a sense of creative hope, rather than blocked remembrance. Pull out of me the positivity. 

I pulled the tarot card of the joyful fool earlier. I want to be that. Full of energy and freedom to leap forward. To believe in myself and let the universe support me. Let myself support me, rather then remain constrained within my looped-out mind. 

Even though the words don’t make sense, at least they come. Something new, creating something true. 

Claire BerkmanComment