
Below is a collection of reflective writing I did during the pandemic.

MUSE #25 - Proof

Muse: wanting to write, but not feeling able to. 


 My soul feels tired. It aches and SQUEEKs and even at times seems to prick me in the stomach, reminding me that my body is tired as well. My hands lag over the keyboard, poorly recording the words that my mind struggles to form. But I still wont to post. To be committed to this process. To connect with whoever may read this. Like me, you have days you find it hard to do what you love. Days when the pain, or stress, or fear take hold. It’s exhausting. But it’s been less days recently. I’ve had days that feed the soul and spark my mind. Today can even shift to be such a day. The fact that I’m am here, writing this, even though I feel unable, is proof that I can lean into the pain and through it to a brighter side. 

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