
Below is a collection of reflective writing I did during the pandemic.

MUSING #33 - Leadership Bear

Muse: A bear joining my zoom call!


While a bear was not on the actual call, it did arrive in the meadow outside of the house as the zoom meeting was wrapping up! The call was a weekly check-in for my Momentum Leadership Team and we were discussing how to declare our goals for the next three months. A Coach was giving some very good advice and suddenly I saw movement in my peripheral. I bet others on the call were very confused to see my “OMG” face suddenly. The group leader was like “Claire do you have something to add??” I kept my eyes on the bear as I clumsily hit the unmute button and informed them that animals often come to the meadow, and at that very moment there was a bear. I turned the iPad around (my brain was to excited to remember I could turn the camera focus around, not the whole screen) and showed them the bear. It appeared very small to them but they could see it! I didn’t want to distract from the meeting too long, so I turned it back around and said I’d video tap it as we wrapped up, and have shared that video with the group so they can see what was happening. 

After the meeting I looked up what the bear can symbolize. Not only does it means strength and courage, but those who connect to the bear as a spirit animal are born leaders! And the meeting was with my leadership team!!! It feels like synchronicity. Each of us in the group need that strength and courage right now to dream big and stretch ourselves to make positive results in our lives and the world. It is going to take courage, and strength, and a deep belief that we are all leaders that can make true change. I think many of us on the call were feeling stressed, and a bit overwhelmed by the call to aim high with our goals. So the appearance of the bear feels like a sign from nature (world, universe, God, whatever you want to call it) that we are meant to be here, now, together. We are powerful, courageous, and magical leaders! 

Then after the call I watched the bear for at least 20 minutes as he wandered around the meadow eating. It looked like he was just eating grass, but they also eat roots and insects. I hope he had a filling meal and comes back again. It’s spring time so many animals will start wandering into the meadow. My personal spirit animal is the deer. More than once a deer showed up last year while I was on my therapy call, as if they could tell I was emotional and seeking guidance and support. Similarly, this bear came just when we needed encouragement to give it our all. Thank you world for sending us your support. 

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