
Below is a collection of reflective writing I did during the pandemic.

MUSING #27 - tired brain ramblings...

MUSE: Well I forgot to write the musing earlier, and I couldn’t think of which topic I wanted to write about, so I let the words just start….

MUSING: .... just rambling until something comes out. Letting the flow go so that I can know what’s truly inside. Not what I force but rather what needs to emerge. I give it this space. Emerge words that wait to be strung. Million times before in all the orders, but never in this moment on this electronic page. Emerge images constructed by .... oh no I slowed because of a spelling issue. Or a typing issue from tired hands. Either way, the word was not forming and I kept having to delete type delete type delete till finally I just moved on to the .... and whatever sentence followed. Like I said letting it flow. Letting it go. We’ll never know but happy to show all that I grow and wrap in a bow to share with my bro okay I think I’ve lost the pattern of it so I may as well stop. Or will I? The words are still coming and the fingers are still typing and I haven’t decided yet if I’ll even post this. A solid topic hasn’t emerged yet and I’m more fascinated in seeing how this flow goes. I do it often in my morning pages but it’s usually about something and this is about the writing itself. The lovely meditation and mediation between the mind and body and breath if you get into a good enough prance... trance? Entrance? Prance. Lance. Fanc-y. Well there we have it, the moment my mind went from tired to I need to sleep now. Next week I’ll have a topic and a draft of the musing together before bedtime, then edit in bed. Putting my thoughts out there before slipping into the deeper level of subconscious in my dreams. 

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